
The time the ceiling could have come down

The story of what happened to me on the night of May 18, 2011

 There I was sitting on my bed, working on some homework for my Folklore class. Minding my own business when the fire alarm on my ceiling made a short and surprisingly loud beep which made me jump up, and skip a heartbeat, (fire alarms are so alarming!)  It was only one beep so I didn't think much of it. Maybe it was dust or something right? Right... about 7 or so minutes later the alarm went off this time for real, LOUD, abnoxious beeping. I thought it could possible be the battery, so I climbed up on a chair and started to inspect the situation. As I was doing this the two adjacent alarms (the one in Caity's room and in the hall)  joined in the fun. So there I was standing on a stool 3 fire alarms blaring, trying to figure out how to make the madness stop.  I took the battery out and guess what, apparently you don't even need a battery for a fire alarm to work. It does it all on it's own. The next idea was to try and disconnect the fire alarm, well that was unsuccessful as well, I couldn't figure it out, and was afraid of breaking it. I decided the only thing I could do was try and replace the battery and hope that would be the magical cure to this loud predicament. . Of course I didn't have any 9 volt batteries.Who has those lying around?
 I slipped shoes on and ran out to the parking lot. I could still hear the alarms as I was getting into my car.  I didn't know if it was just ringing in my ears or if they were really that loud. They were that loud. I ran in to Caity in the parking lot and warned her of the impending danger. She decided to wait in the parking lot until I returned. She was smart.  I came back with batteries in hand thinking that this would be a simple fix. Again I was wrong.  The new battery was in place but the beeping was still going strong. As I was jumping off the stool a drop of water hit my arm. I looked up and to my surprise there was a bubble about the size of my palm in my ceiling, dripping water.
I had no idea what to do from this point. There was water coming into my room. Now before I get carried away and you start picturing a rainstorm in my room I should be clear that the leak was not that bad, but it was still a leak. A LEAK.  So I went up stairs to the apartment above us to see if there was anything up there to cause the leak. Lucky for me my cousin live in the room above me and she was happy to help. There was no sign of  water problems in her apartment so Caity, Cat and I all decided to call our parents to get some wisdom from the mouth of the oh so wise.
Caity performed a miracle and was able to disconnect the alarms, so we could finally get start to regain our ability to hear, and Cat drained the bubble so the paint wouldn't come up and we planned on calling someone to look at it the next day. There I was left in my room with a pot to catch the drip and the mystery of how this all happened. This is when my overactive imagination kicked in. I have this fear of a roof caving in on top of me. I have imagined it coming from an earthquake, a fire, and now in my mind I had this leak spreading across the ceiling and collapsing on top of my while I slept. I knew right then and there I would not sleep well in a room that now had the potential to fall on top of me. (Even though multiple people assured me it wouldn't happen. What do they know?) Luckily my grandparents were happy to host an impromptu sleepover, and they only made fun of me a little bit!  As I was packing up some stuff to take over there, feeling a little silly,  I found a second dripper. He was hiding from me on the other side of my room. That instant I knew that by leaving I was probably saving my life.

*My apartment didn't collapse and when I checked on the leak the next day it was almost completely dried up, but hey you never know right. I at least saved myself from a nightmare or two!

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